Rental Property Prices Increase
Tenants are now paying an extra £62 a month more in rent now than before the pandemic because of a reduction in availability of homes to let.
Rents have increased by 8.3 per cent in the last year to a national average of £969 a month, according to property website Zoopla.
The Demand for rental homes was 76 per cent higher in January than the previous January markets between 2018 and 2021.
However, the amount the availability of rental properties available across the UK is 39 per cent lower than the five-year average for this time of year.
Zoopla said the shrinking stock of homes for rent is down to the falling buy-to-let investment over the last five years.
This imbalance in reduced supply and higher demand is helping to drive prices higher, with average rents up nearly 12 per cent over the last five years, the property website said.
Rent on average now accounts for more 37 per cent – of gross income for a single earner.
It is anticipated that City centre’s are expected to see continued demand in the coming months, which will underpin rental growth, Zoopla predicted.
It comes as tenant numbers recovered across the central districts of all major cities, including Birmingham, Edinburgh, Leeds and Manchester, after taking a hit during the pandemic.
Gráinne Gilmore, head of research at Zoopla, said: “Rents have risen sharply in recent months, amid a backdrop of rising living costs. But it is important to point out that in terms of rental affordability, in most markets rents are still close to the 10-year average.
“As demand continues to outpace supply, there will be further upward pressure on rents, but affordability considerations will act as a brake on large rises.
“In addition, the January peak in rental demand will start to ease in the coming months, putting less severe pressure on supply, which will lead to more local market competition, and more modest rental increases.
“The flooding of rental demand back into city centre’s thanks to office workers, students and international demand returning to cities means the post-pandemic ‘recalibration’ of the rental market is well underway.”